As usual the long weekends just went by like that.
Friday was suppose to be meeting up with tekong mate but in the end met up with Brenda, Sherraine and Xueyan!! Impromptu movie @ Balastier SHAW for "Ah Boys to Men"!
Felt the movie was good! Indeed relived a lot of tekong moments. Feels so yesterday. Saturday was wedding dinner @ Crowne Plaza Hotel! Didn't really do much. Oh but after that was movie with Elisa, Jwei and Teckliang!! "Ah Boys to Men" (yes again for me)
Teckliang had to go home while the other two came over to my place for stayover!!! It wasn't really a proper stayover since it was only barely a few hours. They took the first bus home while I went home to sleep!
Sunday afternoon was "Skyfall 007" with Jasmine and Noel!!! Haven met them in ages and glad to see them again =) Courtesy of Noel for free tickets to watch the movie! We stayed around town chillin' then headed to Kovan for my dinner and returned back home!
Yesterday was spent shopping with Brenda! Then met Nigel, Yiwei, Jinhao and Darien for abit before their movie. Didn't join them since it was Skyfall that I watched. Thanks to Jinhao I now own a monk bag! Yay.
Then was another usual supper night out with Sherraine. Came home and realize my laptop is in major crisis!!! Jeez. I need to save all my stuff before its gone D:
Looking forward to the weekends already so I can collect my next batch of online loots!! My ASOS ones I just got was awesome yay :D
Have a good week all and Happy Deepavali to all who celebrates!
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