So, we moved out first and reached our 9.5km (ish) rest point at about....6.45pm? Stayed there all the way until about 10.15pm when the company finally arrived! The wait was long, but the rest was well needed. Manage to sleep there to make up for the sleep the rest had @ bunks before the march! Really felt good to join the company, especially my platoon. The sense of belonging is indescribable. Was nice of my sergeant to wait for me to join the platoon before giving out the sweet drinks! He actually waited for me (which I shamelessly request but didn't expect him to actually do it!) Three cheers to 3SG Cute Bitch! (Chin Boon LOL! Inside joke)
So the walk begins.....walk and walk and walk. As usual, during my first 3km (which was the company's 9km - 12km) I was like being high and walking around giving people massages. Hahaha, and helping them do what I can! Thats the least I can do for them! Since I march lesser so logically I feel that I should help them!
Okay so the toughest part of the whole route march for me, and I believe for the rest too should be the last 6km of the entire march. The stretch begins when The Singapore Flyer is at sight (!!!!!) but its all lieeesssss. Hahaha. Will not say why but fellow NS men who did it will get it. Blah.
Finally, we reached our end point at about, 0415am!! The F1 Grand Pit if I'm not mistaken! Manage to catch about an hour worth of rest. Then it was time to march! At about 0700, all of us were eagerly waiting and as the human traffic started to flood in....thats when the real excitement begins! Can you imagine, 17weeks (4months) worth of training. All our hard work, sweat and tears (and yes the massive amount of sleep loss zomg) that we've put in, waiting for that moment.
The throwing of your jockey cap after all the ceremony and parade =')
The moment we threw our jockey caps, immediately after picking it up. Syafiq (my twin in army :D) was so happy he jumped for joy and gave me a hug! Sigh. Its really proud moment for us, all.
Next thing is, start spamming photos with whoever who was part of my awesome journey for the past 4months! Also people who I am thankful and grateful for, through the 4months. Uh with that said, there are alot of people who weren't there due to reasons, but the feelings apply the same to them all!
Here's the photos taken of the day itself! Credits to my stepaunt who was attempting to find me but couldn't so she spammed random shots of like everywhere. Hahha. Of course to my twin too, Jwei who had to follow me all around to be my photographer of the day! Heh. Thanks twin n_n
Here's my family who came!
The 2 devils!
Manage to catch a photo with my buddy!
Some of the secondary school mates who actually came!!!
Step-grandparents. Alot of them say I look like my step-grandma!
Hi Prime!
Dickson! Always remember him as our best section IC :)
Jwei!!! 8)
Elisa!!! 8)
Some of the other few secondary school friends who came down too!!
Allison, former working colleague :) Was nice to bump into her!
Ah Nigel. Its been a long way....
Brothers \m/
Jinhao, who likes to talk krap. Haha.
Huixin, who's a sister to me :)
Jovi, the legendary one. Hahah.
Here are some of my section mates! From left > right; Fariq, Nish, Dickson and Jovi!
Fariq! Another legend. Hahaha.
Here's one of my sergeant! Dawei. Ummm, the one who likes to mock my white hair >:( and not sure whats with that pedo smile....
Ben Hiew! The dude who lost his iPhone during his year 1 (and yes we were the one who picked it up and actually returned to him!) so from then on I actually knew him. Small world to be same platoon with him now!
Uhh, the sergeant who gave us 'hell' since confinement! Leading the NE (National Education) team. Uhh well, all of which will be good times =)
My partner in crime, Daniel! Haha, by that I mean actually trying to guilt-trip our sergeant Liuyu (the one above) Definitely grateful to have Daniel around, otherwise I'll not have my partner to finish up the props and everything else! Through the very late nights (and by that I mean as late as 3am gah) Plus he's also my 2IC for armskote! Heh. Oh and he has white hair too (just less obvious than mine)
The touristy shot I must post! Hahaha.
Buddy from another section; Junxiang/Jeffrey!
So there you have it. All the photos taken during my day of POP. Firstly, would like to thank whoever who came down to show your support! I know it was mad early. Can't help it with the parade this early! Really appreciate whoever who came down, means alot!
Next, would like to thank all my friends, who have been through my tough times during the course of 4months here in tekong! The ups and downs. There are just too many people to thank, but you guys know best who you guys are! Really couldn't have made it without you guys! Showing the slightest form of support, and in fact just by meeting any of you during my book outs, is more than enough. That said, there are many people whom I still haven got to meet still!
Next would be my Sir(s) and sergeant(s) who have been nice to us all these while. To mention their names for my own memory sake. PC; Roy, Sheik, and Keanan. I actually have 3 Sir(s) who took us in the duration of 4months. Sect Comm; Dean, Chinboon, Dawei and Huzaifah! Despite the shittest moments in camp with them (all the tekans blah and anal krap) really still thankful for them! To take all our nonsense, especially my section. Hahah.
To all my other platoon mates who have been fighting together, platoon 4! I shall not say anymore, but I'm really glad I have you guys. Anything more or less, I will not have survived this.
Last but not least (hope I didn't forget anyone ._.) would be my section mates! Here's the golden list of names to remember for, in my tekong life!
- Dickson
- Jovi
- Nish
- Kenneth
- Fariq
- Roy
- Jason
- Winston
- Syafiq
- Jonathan (myself)
- Zhirong
- Gabriel
- Weimin
The 13 of us. The famous section 3. Hmmm, that should be a compliment. Famous for what reasons? Uh, you don't wanna get me started. Really went through thick and thin. Ups and downs (oh I mean this literally too since my platoon is on the 5th floor, jeeez the amount of stairs we climbed) The jerry can punishment is fatality maximum. Nonetheless, we had our fair share of fun together. Talking cock, singing songs. Doing retarded things, and endless facepalms moments with my army twin- Syafiq. The amount of rage some of us have to go through on a daily basis.
You know, our sergeant says that we are the least united section, but somehow I find that despite that, we are still united in a inunited way..? LOL okay I know that doesn't make sense. Okay forget it. Maybe we are not united LOL! We still made it through though. 4months.
I would add more photos but since there's an outing later in the evening. I shall leave it for another post, to include more photos and possibly photos of my other sergeants!
All in all, pretty much done pending down most of my thoughts in regards to my POP and life in tekong in general. There are still details here and there not mentioned, but for now, I shall keep that aside. I will refresh those memories one day again, and maybe down the road, things will be alot different from how I see it now :)
Before I hit the sack. I will say these one more time:
Cougar; Believe. Achieve. As One.
Platoon 4; Fighting!!
P.S Pardon the language used here. I'm totally drained out. Its past 4am. Hahah. No excuses still, but you know what I mean. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I am typing it. Goodnight!
P.S Pardon the language used here. I'm totally drained out. Its past 4am. Hahah. No excuses still, but you know what I mean. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I am typing it. Goodnight!
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